EruDITA courses
Part 1. An introduction to the RM software for filter design
RM software for filter design Part 1 - An introduction to the RM software for filter design
11 minutes
3 steps
Računarske mreže
Ovaj kurs ima za cilj da vas uvede u svet računarskih mreža, od njihovog nastanka, preko osnova, pa sve do savremenih koncepata njihovog korišćenja u savremenom digitalnom svetu.
2 hours 10 minutes
1 steps
Erudita sample course
Osnove web design-a, uvod u HTML, CSS, JavaScript...
2 hours 37 minutes
3 steps
eSaobraćaj je sistem za upravljanje voznim parkom, baziran na Odoo ERP-u.
2 hours 15 minutes
9 steps
Part 2. - Overview of the solution technology to be offered
RM software for filter design Part 2 - Overview of the solution technology to be offered
40 minutes
8 steps
Part 3. CMAC Polynomial monotonic amplitude low-pass filters
RM software for filter design Part 3. CMAC
8 minutes
3 steps
Part 4. Chebeshev type 1, modified Chebeshev filters and comparisons
RM software for filter design Part 4. Chebeshev type 1
12 minutes
3 steps
Part 5. Polynomial, linear phase, monotonic amplitude filters
RM software for filter design Part 5. Polynomial, linear phase, monotonic amplitude filters
8 minutes
2 steps
Part 6. Selective low-pass filters and some comparisons
RM software for filter design Part 6. Selective low-pass filters and some comparisons
22 minutes
4 steps
Part 7. Selective low-pass filters Group delay correction
RM software for filter design Part 7. Selective low-pass filters Group delay correction
11 minutes
1 steps
Part 8. Linear phase low-pass filter - Amplitude correction
RM software for filter design Part 8. Linear phase low-pass filter - Amplitude correction
2 minutes
1 steps
Part 9. Analogue filter functions obtained by transformations
RM software for filter design Part 9. Analogue filter functions obtained by transformations
14 minutes
3 steps
Part 10. Direct band-pass group delay approximation and amplitude correction
RM software for filter design Part 10. Direct band-pass group delay approximation and amplitude correction
9 minutes
2 steps
Part 11. Cascade passive LC circuit synthesis
RM software for filter design Part 11. Cascade passive LC circuit synthesis
23 minutes
5 steps
Part 12. Cascade active RC circuit synthesis
RM software for filter design Part 12. Cascade active RC circuit synthesis
15 minutes
3 steps
Part 13 - Parallel active RC circuit synthesis
RM software for filter design Part 13 - Parallel active RC circuit synthesis
7 minutes
2 steps
Part 14a. - Bilinear transformation of analog transfer functions and response analysis
RM software for filter design Part 14a. - Bilinear transformation of analog transfer functions and response analysis
49 minutes
5 steps
Part 14b. - Parallel active SC circuit synthesis
RM software for filter design Part 14b. - Parallel active SC circuit synthesis
14 minutes
2 steps
Part 15. - Gm-C filter synthesis based on LC prototypes
RM software for filter design Part 15. - Gm-C filter synthesis based on LC prototypes
7 minutes
2 steps
Part 16. - Synthesis of digital IIR filters by bilinear transformation
RM software for filter design Part 16. - Synthesis of digital IIR filters by bilinear transformation
7 minutes
2 steps
Part 17. - Parallel realization of Gm-C single and two-phase integrated filters
RM software for filter design Part 17. - Parallel realization of Gm-C single and two-phase integrated filters
13 minutes
4 steps
Part 18. - Cascade synthesis of Gm-C filters
RM software for filter design Part 18. - Cascade synthesis of Gm-C filters
7 minutes
2 steps
Part 32. - High-pass active synthesis
RM software for filter design Part 32. - High-pass active synthesis
15 minutes
1 steps